Tulsa acupuncturist offers unique therapy treatment

TULSA, Okla. — A Tulsa woman, inspired by her own medical needs, has developed a new type of treatment and wants to share it with others.

Karin Carpenter is an acupuncturist in Tulsa, and believes she is the only Oklahoman in the state practicing zone therapy.

Karin was recovering from breast implant removal surgery and facial nerve damage when her chiropractor gave her a zone therapy adjustment. “It’s like your cell phone when it’s glitching,” said Karin. “You turn it off, turn it back on, and then it’s working. That’s what this is doing.”

Dr. Thurman Fleet developed zone therapy in 1931. The practice uses spinal cord stimulation to heal the body’s six main systems. It includes the use of needles and cupping to refresh your body.

FOX23 introduced you to Sarah Carpenter last year. Sarah contracted COVID-19 and then suffered from parosmia, a condition that distorts your sense of smell or taste.

Sarah tried many different treatments to restore her taste and smell, including traveling to Texas for a Stellate Ganglion Block, an injection used to treat nerve injuries or circulation issues. She says zone therapy was the only treatment that restored her taste and smell.

Last year, Karin completed 50 hours of training in zone therapy. Now, she offers the treatment in Tulsa. Kristen Medlock is a professional fitness competitor and one of Karin’s clients.

“Naturally, I have a lot of energy,” said Medlock. “I live a healthy lifestyle. For me to be lethargic and low energy was not normal. Every week I would see Karin, and she would zone me. That’s the only way I got through that competition.”

Karin also says that the treatment could benefit those with allergies. She is so passionate about this treatment that she is mentoring and developing training sessions for other acupuncturists to offer it.

“We need everyone feeling this balanced and great, walking on this earth so happy.”

A 20 minute session costs $30. You can find Karin Carpenter Royal Treatment Day Spa Services on Facebook.