Oklahoma AG’s request approved, executions will be scheduled further apart

OKLAHOMA CITY, Okla. — The Oklahoma Court of Criminal Appeals has approved Attorney General Gentner Drummond’s request to slow down the rate of executions in Oklahoma.

Drummond filed his request last week after witnessing Scott Eizember’s execution.

There are multiple executions scheduled at the Oklahoma State Penitentiary this year, and Drummond believes that staff members need more time to prepare between executions.

“One aspect that has become clear over time is that the current pace of executions is unsustainable in the long run, as it is unduly burdening the DOC and its personnel. This is especially true given the extensive and intensive nature of the training DOC personnel undergo to prepare for each execution,” said Drummond.

Executions will now be scheduled 60 days apart.

The Oklahoma Department of Corrections has rescheduled four executions for 2023, including Richard Glossip.

Glossip, who was scheduled to be executed in February, is now scheduled to be executed on May 18.

Glossip has gathered national attention while spending more than 20 years on Oklahoma’s death row. Glossip has received multiple reprieves over the past few years, for various reasons.

Some Oklahoma lawmakers are calling for an evidentiary hearing involving Glossip’s case, saying that the prosecution mishandled evidence during the trial.

Glossip was convicted of murdering Barry Van Treese in an Oklahoma City motel in 1997. However, Glossip did not physically murder Van Treese. Prosecutors say Glossip arranged Van Treese’s death.

Justin Sneed was also convicted in Van Treese’s death. He was sentenced to life in prison, without the chance of parole.