Super Bowl watch party raises money for St. Jude

TULSA, Okla. — Slo Ride Tavern has been hosting Kansas City Chiefs watch parties in Brookside all season.

Co-owner Sean Welborn said they partnered with St. Jude to help raise money for cancer research and treatment for children.

“This is our third season. It’s gotten bigger every year. Obviously, the team being good helps a ton,” Welborn said.

He hopes they can raise a lot more for St. Jude on Super Bowl Sunday.

“This year, we’ve raised over $10,000 on Sundays. We’ve been building every week with the playoffs, and our crowds have gotten bigger and bigger, and the excitement’s building. So, we’re looking forward to a big, big weekend,” Welborn said.

Welborn owns another bar, Fat Daddy’s Pub and Grill, also a Chiefs bar, near 81st and Memorial.

Welborn said between the two bars, they’ve spent thousands of dollars stocking up on food and drink for the big day.

“We plan on being super busy over there. We have a patio and we’re doing different things to kind of fit some more people, fit some more seating in and things like that, and we’ll do the same thing here as well,” he said.

Welborn said the Slo Ride watch party will be a good time that supports a good cause.

“They’ll be screaming and yelling and tomahawk chopping,” he said.

Slo Ride opens at 11 a.m., and they said people should try to show up early for their favorite spot.