U.S. Labor Secretary Marty Walsh toured Greenwood’s Black Wall Street Thursday

TULSA, Okla. — U.S. Secretary of Labor Marty Walsh toured historic Black Wall Street on Thursday, Feb. 9.

The visit was the result of a letter sent to Walsh from the Greenwood Chamber of Commerce. The Greenwood Chamber wanted Walsh to learn the history of Greenwood, meet business owners and form a partnership between the community and the federal government.

Walsh said his mission is threefold.

“It’s about really learning and understanding what the community needs, number one. Number two is It’s a very important history lesson for me to take back, because I think we can learn from history, not to make the same errors we made previously in the past. And, number three, probably the most important is creating a strong partnership, how we as the federal government can invest.”

Dr. Freeman Culver is the president and CEO of the Greenwood Chamber of Commerce. He told FOX23 he looks forward to working closer with the federal government and said there’s work that needs to be done.

“We’re looking for this to be a catalyst. So that we can grow these current businesses that we have, support of current businesses and grow them and expand them beyond this street,” he said.